Iona Public School

Learning Together in Harmony

Telephone02 4930 1415

Rules and policies

Rules and policies are in place to make sure your child remains safe and well at school.

Visit the NSW Department of Education’s policy library for all current operational policies.

Our school uses the department's School Community Charter to ensure all of our communication is collaborative and respectful.

Attendance and absences

Students must attend school regularly so they can achieve their educational best and increase their career and life options.

In NSW, all children from the age of 6 are legally required to attend school or be registered for home schooling through the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA). All students must complete Year 10, or its equivalent and remain in school, employment or training until they turn 17.

For more information about compulsory school attendance, visit:

School frameworks (school rules)

As well as following the department’s operational policies, we have developed frameworks for our students in line with our school’s values and commitments.


Our student welfare policy promotes a safe and happy learning environment, and as part of the policy, any type of bullying behaviour is unacceptable and is dealt with using the student welfare policy guidelines.

Anti-bullying Plan 2025

Counselling service

A qualified school counsellor is available to work with our students as required.  Access to counselling services is arranged through the Principal, and can be initiated either by parents or teachers.

Disability programs

We currently have no students with major disabilities at our school, but as all students are treated as individuals, their needs are assessed and teaching and learning programs designed to cater for them.


Our student welfare policy sets out procedures used to manage student behaviour, and is based on Choice Theory, students accepting responsibility for their actions and the consequences which result. Click here to read our full Student Welfare Policy.

Welfare and Discipline Policy (PDF 310KB)

Drug education and child protection

Drug Education  and Child Protection are mandatory subjects, and are part of the Personal Development, Health and Physical Education syllabus.  The focus of the programs is to give students skills to keep themselves safe.  The subjects are taught each year across all grades, Kindergarten to Year 6.

Gifted and talented programs

GATS students who are identified by teachers are offered extension activities in class, provided individual programs if appropriate, and given opportunities to attend special programs and days offered by the Department outside of the school.

Health and wellbeing

Iona Public School is an asthma friendly school.  We have also implemented the Healthy Schools' Canteen policy (food supplied is low-salt, low-sugar, low-fat and healthy). We have a Crunch and Sip program which aims to encourage students to eat fresh fruit and vegetables every day.  Each student is allowed to eat a piece of fruit or vegetable during class at 10 am each day.  Water bottles are also encouraged to promote the consumption of water.  In addition to our regular fitness and sporting programs, we also encourage students to be physically active at recess and lunch.

Crunch and Sip Policy (PDF 574 KB)

Asthma management policy (PDF 55 KB)

Learning assistance

As a small school, we do not qualify to have an appointed staff member to provide learning assistance programs, but students are catered for individually by their teachers within their own classes. Ms Tully also provides some learning support for selected students. Mrs Murphy and Mrs Gale are employed by the school as Learning Support Officers on a part-time basis.

Sun protection

Iona Public School implements a sunsafe policy all year round.  All students are required to have a wide-brimmed sunsafe hat whenever they are outside and to wear the school swim-shirt for all outdoor swimming activities.  A number of sun shelters have been erected to provide under-cover play areas, and sunscreen is available at school.

Sun protection policy (PDF 81 KB)